Friday, May 1, 2009

using online jobsearch effectively

I have created online accounts with a few well know online job sites and configured their so called "job-agents" to automatically search and email me for matching job positions. But after a while, I realized that the "job-agents" are either not effective or not accurate in hunting jobs for you. The problem could be due to our errors in configuring the "job-agents" or due to inherrent bugs in the "job-agents". Sometimes the jobs are simply not advertised on these popular job-sites but posted on some other niche sites instead. Or there could be other reasons beyond my imagination. So, in order not to miss any job opportunities, you still have to actively visit the websites and manually search for jobs. And to be a typical "kiasu" catch-all, you can use the simple yet powerful search engines such as google or yahoo to search for jobs, you never know what you will stumble upon as long as you have the time to go through the returned results. 

Friday, April 24, 2009

hiring scams?

After I posted my resume on a particular website, I was contacted by a company to go down for interview saying that they find my profile very suitable. But when I asked what is the job about, they said it will be discussed when we meet up. I tried to look for more info on the company but could find none. It makes me wonder whether this is a scam or are they an insurance company. Anyone has any similar experience before?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

jobless PMETs & job hopping

Are older jobless PMETs more likely to job hop? It seems that employers are very hesitant to employ older jobless PMETs because they feel that these PMETs are just there to seek shelter until market recovers. During an interview, I was being asked the same question. Even though I stated firmly I am serious about career change and will not go back to same industry even if the market recovers after 1-2 years, I don't that they were convinced by me at all. I eventually did not get the job.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

double whammy

Could it have been worse? I just received another rejection email for my earlier job interview.Two rejections in a day. My feelings now? Anger + disappointment! Why am I so unlucky? Any way, one thing I know for sure is that I cannot give up hope. I will continue to apply for jobs.

yet another rejection

I just received a rejection for a job application today. Not my first time, and the feeling of disappointment is the same, could have been worse.  But I know I cannot give up, I have to try again. And if I fail again, I try again and again. No point blamging anyone, what do you get out of blaming someone? And if that someone actually stands up and take the blame, will it help you get a job easier than before? Good luck to my job search!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Take the plunge

I always had problem with public speaking, and i think this fear limited my job search. I have always shunned marketing, business development and related jobs that need me to meet new people. But I am not sure whether it is because I don't have the right presentation skills or I just don't like to meet strangers. Now that I am jobless for quite a while, I finally decided that enough is enough and I cannot let this problem control me forever. So I went out to look for courses on presentation skills and signed up with one. This is a small step but I want to make it a big success for my next career.

Friday, April 17, 2009

different mindset: employed vs jobless

I think it is quite natural reaction for people in dire position to expect people in better position to come to their aid. So for people who are retrenched, they will be wondering where are their friends, why are they not showing concerns nor recommending jobs to you. But if they go back in memory lane, have they themselves really bothered much when they still had their job while their friends were out of job? The point i am trying to make is that people generally don't feel the pain until they are in pain themselves. And it is also true that people in a competitive society like Singapore have generally used up all their energy in pursuing their career and personal interest, with little left for family and much less for helping others. I think I can't blame them because I was in the position before. And I am not sure how I will behave after I find a new job. Will I be so caught up in recovering my lost opportunities that I forget about my friends who still do not have a job?